Rend Lake College Fall Course Schedule

The fall semester will begin August 19, 2024. At this time, the types of classes are: Traditional, Hybrid, Online, Remote, HyFlex, and Blended Flex. Our fall term is 16 weeks, but we also offer 12- and 8-week classes.

Ready to apply? It's easy at RLC! 



After you've read our Admission Requirements, complete the Application. You can fill one out online, at our Office of Student Records in the Administration Building, or from your guidance counselor if you go to a high school in RLC's district. You may need to submit other documentation. Go to our Registration Procedures to learn more.

Speak To
An Advisor2iconPhoto

Good advice is the best advice. Connect with a member of our team who will help you get started and stay on your path to success in higher education.

Apply For
Financial Aid

Visit our Financial Aid Department to apply for grants, scholarships, and loans that can help pay for college.


Traditional Classes conducted using face-to-face, on-campus instruction.
Online Classes conducted online through Canvas. Students will work through course material independently with communication and direction of RLC faculty.
Remote Class meetings are held synchronously via Zoom on the day and time indicated on the student’s schedule. The percentage of time spent online vs. remote will vary by course.
Hybrid Classes meet partially on RLC’s campus and partially online/remote. The percentage of time spent on campus will vary by course. If needed, classes will be transitioned to fully online/remote.
HyFlex Class meetings will be a combination of traditional, online, and remote. Students are not required to attend traditional or remote class meetings. Students have the option to select how to receive instruction and may choose different types throughout the semester.
Blended Flex  Class meetings are a combination of instructional modalities and vary by course. Students are provided some flexibility in selecting how they receive instruction, but all three types of classes are not available throughout the semester like the hyflex model. Students are not required to attend traditional class meetings on campus but may be required to attend remotely using Zoom.

Registration Dates


Registering for Fall 2024 - Classes Start August 19
February 12 Priority Registration (Veterans, STARS, Student Workers, Athletes, AmeriCorps)
February 19 CTE & Sophomore Registration Begins
March 11 Open Registration by Appointment Begins
August 12 Open Walk-in Registration Begins


TBA (To Be Arranged or To Be Announced)
STAFF (Multiple Instructors or to be identified)
Days  (M = Monday) (T = Tuesday) W = Wednesday H = Thursday F = Friday Sa = Saturday Su=Sunday WEEK = Monday-Friday)
Section Numbers
D1, etc. Distance Learning classes
K1, etc. Computer Workshop, Murphy-Wall Campus
M1, etc. Computer Workshop, MarketPlace
N1, etc. Online classes
NI Intercession online classes
TI Intercession courses
TV Telecourses
TVI Intercession telecourses
TVN Telecourse with online elements
Y1, etc. Hybrid classes (Face-to-face meetings throughout the semester with online elements)
TV Buildings and Locations (On Campus)
 ACA  Academic Building
 AIC Agronomy Innovation Center
 ASC  Applied Science Center
 ATC  Advanced Technology Center
 BB FLD  Baseball Field
 CCC RLCF Children's Center
 DR  Driving Range
 FHF  4-H Facility
 HYBRID  Hybrid Class (Online + Face-to-Face)
 GYM  Waugh Gymnasium
 LRC Learning Resource Center
ONLINE Online Class
OSN North Oasis
OSS South Oasis
SCI Science Building
SPC Sports Center (now called Recreational Center)
STC Student Center
VOC Vocational Building
Buildings and Locations (Off Campus)
OFF Off-Site (TBA)
PNK RLC Murphy-Wall Pinckneyville Campus
RL/2/3 RLC MarketPlace – Mt. Vernon
SIC Southeastern Illinois College

Course Numbering System

All courses offered by Rend Lake College are identified by a prefix followed by a four-digit number (excluding Community Education). The purpose of such a numbering system is to facilitate record keeping and to provide an easy means of identifying various courses as to their degree of difficulty, general curriculum, etc.

  • The prefix indicates the broad subject area;  i.e., mathematics
  • The first digit indicates the level
  • The second digit refers to the general curricular division
  • The last two digits indicate the sequential order within the program.
  • Freshman-level courses generally begin with the digit “1” followed by three more digits.
  • Most courses recommended for second-year studies begin with the digit “2” followed by three digits. The second digit may be interpreted thusly:
    1. Academic (Pre-Baccalaureate and Occupational) are traditional academic courses equivalent to the first two years (lower-division) of baccalaureate study and the academic courses in Occupational curricula.
    2. Technical / Applied (Pre-Baccalaureate / Occupational) courses are postsecondary technical or applied in nature. Although most were designed mainly for AAS degrees and Occupational certificate programs, technical courses in certain fields (e.g., graphic arts, drafting, surveying, child care) are acceptable in specific AA/AS degrees.
    3. Community Education non-credit courses.
    4. College Preparation courses are designed to remedy basic skill (i.e., reading, writing and arithmetic) deficiencies of high school graduates.
    5. General Studies courses are broad in nature and designed to meet individual student goals for personal improvement and self-understanding.
    6. Vocational Skills courses provide vocational skills training that is not part of Occupational certificate or AAS degree programs.
    7. Adult Basic Education courses are designed to bring non-high school graduates to a competency of eighth-grade equivalency.
    8. Adult Secondary Education courses are designed to bring non-high school graduates to a competency of 12th-grade equivalency.
    9. English as a Second Language services are designed to help individuals who do not speak English as their native language develop English communication skills.
  • The third digit in the four-digit sequence indicates prerequisites or degree of difficulty in an ascending order. In general, the fourth number will indicate first-semester work if it is an odd number and second-semester work if it is an even number. 

  Our Mission  |  Speak To An Advisor  Apply Now   Fill out the FAFSA   |  Virtual Testing Appointments 

 Academic Calendar  Scholarships  |  Notice of Non-Discrimination   



— Important Dates & Information — 



Drop Dates


Drop w/ Refund

Last Day to Drop

8 Week 1

First Week

One Week Prior to the Last Day of Class 

8 Week 2

First Week

One Week Prior to the Last Day of Class 

12 Week 1

First Two Weeks

One Week Prior to the Last Day of Class

12 Week 2 First Two Weeks One Week Prior to the Last Day of Class

16 Week

First Two Weeks

One Week Prior to the Last Day of Class



Midterm & Final Exam Weeks

Midterm 10/11

Last Day of Regular Classes

Final Exams 12/7 - 12/12







Payment Deadlines

Payments on student accounts must be made by the deadline included on the student statement.
Students who do not make payments by this deadline may be dropped from their classes.
Contact the Business Office 618-437-5321, Ext. 1235, for questions about making payments.


Tuition & Fees

Current tuition rate for residents of the Rend Lake College district is set at $110 per credit hour. Out-of-district students may be charged a tuition rate of $220 per credit hour. Out-of-state and out-of-country tuition rates are set at $220 per credit hour. There is a universal technology & facilities fee of $40 per credit hour for most classes. Tuition rates are subject to change with Board of Trustees approval. Additional fees may be assessed for specific courses.



How to Pay

 In Person - You can make in person payments at the Business Office in the Administration Builiding during regular office hours.  You can make cash, check, or major credit card payments in person (additional fees do apply for credit card payments).

1 By mail - Mail a check to our Business Office. 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846. Please include warrior tag with all mailed in payments. Mailed in payments will not be accepted after the payment deadline.

2 Online - One-time payments can be made online via your student Colleague-Self Service Ellucian Student Application. Using this service powered by ACI Worldwide, you can select to pay by credit/debit card or electronic check (ACH). ACI charges $1.50 to make a one-time full payment via a bank account, additional fees will apply to credit card payments.  Students can authorize payments to be made from a checking or savings account or by Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express directly from their Self-Service portal.


If payments have not been completed by the term due date then you may be administratively withdrawn for nonpayment. If financial aid has been awarded, you will be responsible for all remaining charges on your account unless you officially withdraw from the course(s) by the last day to officially withdraw for a 100% refund of tuition and fees as indicated in the Fee Refunds Table elsewhere on this page.

Tuition & Fee Refunds

Refunds are made only if the proper procedures are followed during the refund periods. Rend Lake College has partnered with BankMobile in order to process refunds (financial aid, dropped classes, etc.) which are due to the students. Every new student receives a Refund Selection Kit in the mail at the beginning of each semester. The Refund Selection Kit will be mailed in a green envelope and will include directions on how to select their refund preference.  Students can set up their BankMobile via their Student Self-Service portal under the Finances tab. Students can choose from having their refund amounts transferred to an existing account or deposited onto a BankMobile Vibe account card. Credit balances cannot be transferred to future terms. More information about BankMobile is available HERE or at the Business Office, located in the Administration Building.

O.N.E. (Online Navigation Essentials)

Students must complete Online Navigation Essentials (ONE1500) to enroll in a course with an online component, such as an online or hybrid course. ONE 1500 is a self-paced, one-time online orientation with lessons and activities which provide necessary and essential skills for online learning.

Baccalaureate-Transfer Programs vs Career-Technical Programs

Baccalaureate-Transfer Programs

Transfer programs at Rend Lake College are designed to provide students with the opportunity to complete the first two years of baccalaureate college programs. At the end of two years, credits from Rend Lake College may be transferred to a four-year institution without loss of time or credit.

Students who have not selected a four-year institution to attend after completion of the Associate in Arts Degree, Associate in Science Degree, Associate in Fine Arts Degree or Associate in Engineering Science Degree can follow programs at RLC with assurance that most lower-division requirements will be met for most schools.

Students who already have selected a four-year institution to which they will be transferring should contact that school or consult that school’s catalog for any special information or recommendations regarding a particular program and its requirements. Assistance may be obtained from Rend Lake College’s advisement staff or from faculty advisors.

Requirements vary at different four-year institutions. To ensure articulation, the student should follow the sequence of courses recommended by the four-year institution. Also, the scheduling of classes may not be identical to the “ideal” programs suggested for varying reasons. Students are expected to arrange their actual schedule with the help of an advisor.

Career-Technical Programs

Career-Technical programs at Rend Lake College include those which lead to either an Associate in Applied Science Degree or an Occupational Certificate. To be effective, occupational programs of this nature must be job-oriented; therefore, these one- and two-year programs are designed to prepare students for entry into the working world immediately after successful completion of the required courses.

Program requirements in this section are for associate degree or occupational certificates from Rend Lake College only. These programs may not be geared for persons wishing to transfer credits to a four-year institution, although many of the courses and programs will transfer and have approved program articulation agreements in place. Students are encouraged to FOLLOW EXACTLY the desired program as indicated. However, students should consult with an advisor for any changes in scheduling which may be necessary due to scheduling conflicts, changes in program requirements, etc.