We constantly patrol the campus, speaking with faculty, staff and students to promote communication and obtain information which we use to help maintain a safe campus environment. Our patrols are a proactive measure to reduce the likelihood of rule and law violations. We respond to emergencies of all kinds.
We watch for strange behavior which may indicate:
- Violations of campus rules and laws
- Persons needing medical attention
- A sexual predator
- A person with an order of protection against him / her
- Other potential problems
We monitor the open computer lab in the LRC to assist staff in enforcing rules and to keep the LRC quiet for study.
Campus Police
Phone Numbers: Office (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1911 | Cell (618) 525-1911 | Safety Office (618) 437-5321 Ext. 1212
Email: [email protected]
Address: 468 N. Ken Gray Parkway, Ina, IL 62846 Attn: Campus Police
Fax Number: (618) 437-5677 Attn: Campus Police